Leadership Accelerator for Women of Color
This program will empower you, increase your employability, deepen your sense of meaning and purpose, level the playing field, and ultimately increase your authenticity and happiness in the workplace.
Leaders of color today face an entirely unique set of professional barriers to success. They often have to code switch to belong, which impacts how they act and feel, which ultimately impacts their advancement. Challenges can include being first generation professionals, internalizing limiting beliefs, and lack of sponsorship.
My research and coaching experience suggests several dynamics that Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, and other leaders of color are more likely to experience. Because of these dynamics, relative to their white peers, leaders of color need to remix common success strategies and add some novel ones to get ahead.
This program is designed to give you tools and strategies for leadership as well as tap into the collective intelligence and give you the space and freedom to talk about what people of color in the workplace face.
Program Promise:
Build your confidence, elevate your leadership, and lead with presence and impact.